Uses of Class

Packages that use Diff.FileInfo
de.matthias_burbach.util Contains various utilities for low-level file, string, and XML processing. 

Uses of Diff.FileInfo in de.matthias_burbach.util

Fields in de.matthias_burbach.util declared as Diff.FileInfo
(package private)  Diff.FileInfo Diff.oldinfo
          Keeps track of information about file1 and file2
(package private)  Diff.FileInfo Diff.newinfo
          Keeps track of information about file1 and file2

Methods in de.matthias_burbach.util with parameters of type Diff.FileInfo
(package private)  void Diff.inputscan(Diff.FileInfo pinfo)
          inputscan Reads the file specified by pinfo.file. --------- Places the lines of that file in the symbol table.
(package private)  void Diff.storeline(java.lang.String linebuffer, Diff.FileInfo pinfo)
          storeline Places line into symbol table. --------- Expects pinfo.maxLine initted: increments.