Class Diff

  extended byde.matthias_burbach.util.Diff

public class Diff
extends java.lang.Object

Diff - A Text file difference utility. Copyright 1987, 1989 by Donald C. Lindsay, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University. Copyright 1982 by Symbionics.

Use without fee is permitted when not for direct commercial advantage, and when credit to the source is given. Other uses require specific permission.

Converted from C to Java by Ian F. Darwin,, January, 1997. Copyright 1997, Ian F. Darwin.

Adapted to specific personal needs by Matthias Burbach

Conversion is NOT FULLY TESTED.

Usage: Diff oldfile newfile

This program assumes that "oldfile" and "newfile" are text files. The program writes to stdout a description of the changes which would transform "oldfile" into "newfile".

The printout is in the form of commands, each followed by a block of text. The text is delimited by the commands, which are:

The line numbers all refer to the lines of the oldfile, as they are numbered before any commands are applied.
The text lines are printed as-is, without indentation or prefixing. The commands are printed in upper case, with a prefix of ">>>>", so that they will stand out. Other schemes may be preferred.
Files which contain more than MAXLINECOUNT lines cannot be processed. This can be fixed by changing "symbol" to a Vector.
The algorithm is taken from Communications of the ACM, Apr78 (21, 4, 264-), "A Technique for Isolating Differences Between Files." Ignoring I/O, and ignoring the symbol table, it should take O(N) time. This implementation takes fixed space, plus O(U) space for the symbol table (where U is the number of unique lines). Methods exist to change the fixed space to O(N) space.
Note that this is not the only interesting file-difference algorithm. In general, different algorithms draw different conclusions about the changes that have been made to the oldfile. This algorithm is sometimes "more right", particularly since it does not consider a block move to be an insertion and a (separate) deletion. However, on some files it will be "less right". This is a consequence of the fact that files may contain many identical lines (particularly if they are program source). Each algorithm resolves the ambiguity in its own way, and the resolution is never guaranteed to be "right". However, it is often excellent.
This program is intended to be pedagogic. Specifically, this program was the basis of the Literate Programming column which appeared in the Communications of the ACM (CACM), in the June 1989 issue (32, 6, 740-755).
By "pedagogic", I do not mean that the program is gracefully worded, or that it showcases language features or its algorithm. I also do not mean that it is highly accessible to beginners, or that it is intended to be read in full, or in a particular order. Rather, this program is an example of one professional's style of keeping things organized and maintainable.
The program would be better if the "print" variables were wrapped into a struct. In general, grouping related variables in this way improves documentation, and adds the ability to pass the group in argument lists.
This program is a de-engineered version of a program which uses less memory and less time. The article points out that the "symbol" arrays can be implemented as arrays of pointers to arrays, with dynamic allocation of the subarrays. (In C, macros are very useful for hiding the two-level accesses.) In Java, a Vector would be used. This allows an extremely large value for MAXLINECOUNT, without dedicating fixed arrays. (The "other" array can be allocated after the input phase, when the exact sizes are known.) The only slow piece of code is the "strcmp" in the tree descent: it can be speeded up by keeping a hash in the tree node, and only using "strcmp" when two hashes happen to be equal.

Change Log ---------- 1Jan97 Ian F. Darwin: first working rewrite in Java, based entirely on D.C.Lindsay's reasonable C version.
Changed comments from /***************** to /**, shortened, added whitespace, used tabs more, etc.
6jul89 D.C.Lindsay, CMU: fixed portability bug. Thanks, Gregg Wonderly.
Just changed "char ch" to "int ch".
Also added comment about way to improve code.
10jun89 D.C.Lindsay, CMU: posted version created.
Copyright notice changed to ACM style, and Dept. is now School.
ACM article referenced in docn.
26sep87 D.C.Lindsay, CMU: publication version created. Condensed all 1982/83 change log entries. Removed all command line options, and supporting code. This simplified the input code (no case reduction etc). It also simplified the symbol table, which was capable of remembering offsets into files (instead of strings), and trusting (!) hash values to be unique. Removed dynamic allocation of arrays: now fixed static arrays. Removed speed optimizations in symtab package. Removed string compression/decompression code. Recoded to Unix standards from old Lattice/MSDOS standards. (This affected only the #include's and the IO.) Some renaming of variables, and rewording of comments.
1982/83 D.C.Lindsay, Symbionics: created.

Java version 0.9, 1997
Ian F. Darwin, Java version, D. C. Lindsay, C version (1982-1987)

Nested Class Summary
(package private)  class Diff.FileInfo
          This is the info kept per file.
Field Summary
(package private)  boolean anyprinted
(package private)  int[] blocklen
          blocklen is the info about found blocks.
static int change
static int delete
static int idle
static int insert
static int movenew
static int moveold
(package private)  Diff.FileInfo newinfo
          Keeps track of information about file1 and file2
(package private)  Diff.FileInfo oldinfo
          Keeps track of information about file1 and file2
(package private)  int printnewline
(package private)  int printoldline
(package private)  int printstatus
(package private) printWriter
static int same
(package private)  int UNREAL
          block len > any possible real block len
Constructor Summary
          Construct a Diff object.
Diff( printWriter)
Method Summary
 void doDiff(java.lang.String oldFile, java.lang.String newFile)
          Do one file comparison.
(package private)  void inputscan(Diff.FileInfo pinfo)
          inputscan Reads the file specified by pinfo.file. --------- Places the lines of that file in the symbol table.
static void main(java.lang.String[] argstrings)
          main - entry point when used standalone.
(package private)  void newconsume()
(package private)  void oldconsume()
          oldconsume Part of printout.
 void println(java.lang.String s)
          Convenience wrapper for println
(package private)  void printout()
          printout - Prints summary to stdout.
(package private)  void scanafter()
(package private)  void scanbefore()
          scanbefore As scanafter, except scans towards file fronts.
(package private)  void scanblocks()
          scanblocks - Finds the beginnings and lengths of blocks of matches.
(package private)  void scanunique()
(package private)  void showchange()
          showchange Part of printout.
(package private)  void showdelete()
          showdelete Part of printout.
(package private)  void showinsert()
(package private)  void showmove()
          showmove Part of printout.
(package private)  void showsame()
          showsame Part of printout.
(package private)  void skipnew()
          skipnew Part of printout.
(package private)  void skipold()
          skipold Part of printout.
(package private)  void storeline(java.lang.String linebuffer, Diff.FileInfo pinfo)
          storeline Places line into symbol table. --------- Expects pinfo.maxLine initted: increments.
(package private)  void transform()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


final int UNREAL
block len > any possible real block len

See Also:
Constant Field Values


Diff.FileInfo oldinfo
Keeps track of information about file1 and file2


Diff.FileInfo newinfo
Keeps track of information about file1 and file2


int[] blocklen
blocklen is the info about found blocks. It will be set to 0, except at the line#s where blocks start in the old file. At these places it will be set to the # of lines in the block. During printout , this # will be reset to -1 if the block is printed as a MOVE block (because the printout phase will encounter the block twice, but must only print it once.) The array declarations are to MAXLINECOUNT+2 so that we can have two extra lines (pseudolines) at line# 0 and line# MAXLINECOUNT+1 (or less).

printWriter printWriter


public static final int idle
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int delete
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int insert
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int movenew
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int moveold
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int same
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int change
See Also:
Constant Field Values


int printstatus


boolean anyprinted


int printoldline


int printnewline
Constructor Detail


public Diff()
Construct a Diff object.


public Diff( printWriter)
Method Detail


public static void main(java.lang.String[] argstrings)
main - entry point when used standalone. NOTE: no routines return error codes or throw any local exceptions. Instead, any routine may complain to stderr and then exit with error to the system.


public void doDiff(java.lang.String oldFile,
                   java.lang.String newFile)
            throws java.lang.Exception
Do one file comparison. Called with both filenames.



void inputscan(Diff.FileInfo pinfo)
         throws java.lang.Exception
inputscan Reads the file specified by pinfo.file. --------- Places the lines of that file in the symbol table. Sets pinfo.maxLine to the number of lines found.



void storeline(java.lang.String linebuffer,
               Diff.FileInfo pinfo)
         throws java.lang.Exception
storeline Places line into symbol table. --------- Expects pinfo.maxLine initted: increments. Places symbol table handle in pinfo.ymbol. Expects pinfo is either oldinfo or newinfo.



void transform()


void scanunique()


void scanafter()


void scanbefore()
scanbefore As scanafter, except scans towards file fronts. Assumes the off-end lines have been marked as a match.


void scanblocks()
scanblocks - Finds the beginnings and lengths of blocks of matches. Sets the blocklen array (see definition). Expects oldinfo valid.


void printout()
        throws java.lang.Exception
printout - Prints summary to stdout. Expects all data structures have been filled out.



void newconsume()


void oldconsume()
oldconsume Part of printout. Have run out of new file. Process the rest of the old file, printing any parts which were deletes or moves.


void showdelete()
showdelete Part of printout. Expects printoldline is at a deletion.


void showinsert()


void showchange()
showchange Part of printout. Expects printnewline is an insertion. Expects printoldline is a deletion.


void skipold()
skipold Part of printout. Expects printoldline at start of an old block that has already been announced as a move. Skips over the old block.


void skipnew()
skipnew Part of printout. Expects printnewline is at start of a new block that has already been announced as a move. Skips over the new block.


void showsame()
        throws java.lang.Exception
showsame Part of printout. Expects printnewline and printoldline at start of two blocks that aren't to be displayed.



void showmove()
showmove Part of printout. Expects printoldline, printnewline at start of two different blocks ( a move was done).


public void println(java.lang.String s)
Convenience wrapper for println