Uses of Class

Packages that use ModelCheckerException
de.matthias_burbach.flux Is the core package.  

Uses of ModelCheckerException in de.matthias_burbach.flux

Methods in de.matthias_burbach.flux with parameters of type ModelCheckerException
static java.lang.String StrutsConfigGenerator.getModelCheckerProblemReport(ModelCheckerException mce)
          Constructs a single, long string from all the detail messages in the model checker exception.

Methods in de.matthias_burbach.flux that throw ModelCheckerException
 void DefaultModelChecker.check(Model model)
 void ModelChecker.check(Model model)
          Is called before the actual generation is started to make sure the generator plug-ins get proper input.
 void StrutsConfigGenerator.generate()
          Performs the generation process.
protected  StateMachine StrutsConfigGenerator.loadStateMachine()
          Constructs the input path and file from the settings properties 'InputPath' and 'InputFile', lets the model builder build and the model checker check the internal representation of the UML model.

Uses of ModelCheckerException in de.matthias_burbach.flux4eclipse.popup.actions

Methods in de.matthias_burbach.flux4eclipse.popup.actions with parameters of type ModelCheckerException
private  void GenerateAction.displayModelCheckerMessage(ModelCheckerException mce)
          Uses an extra window to display the potentially long model checker problem report.