Package de.matthias_burbach.flux

Is the core package.


Interface Summary
ActionMappingGenerator Generates one or more contiguous pieces of XML (usually comments or above all <action> elements) that are valid in a struts-config-<module>.xml file between the opening and the closing <action-mappings> tag.
ModelBuilder Builds the internal representation of the UML model from the model file that was exported from the graphical tool of choice.
ModelChecker Checks the UML Model for constraint violations that put the generation at risk to fail or produce improper results.

Class Summary
AbstractActionMappingGenerator Abstract base class for ActionMappingGenerator implementations that provides commonly used functionality.
ActionActionMappingGenerator Generates one action mapping for each UML state with stereotype 'Action'.
ChameleonModelBuilder Builds the internal UML model representation from an XML file that was exported with the Rational Rose add in 'Chameleon'.
DefaultModelChecker The default implementation of the ModelChecker interface.
FinalStateActionMappingGenerator Generates one action mapping for the optional UML final state (stereotype = 'FinalState') to perform finalization code.
ModuleActionMappingGenerator Generates two action mappings for each UML state with stereotype 'Module'.
NonModelledActionMappingGenerator Preserves non-modelled action mappings by copying them from the old struts-config.xml to the new struts-config.xml's section 'Non-modelled Action Mappings'.
PageActionMappingGenerator Generates one action mapping for each UML state with stereotype 'Page' that forwards from the logical page name to the physical (JSP) name.
PageEventActionMappingGenerator Generates an event dispatcher action mapping for each UML state with stereotype 'Page'.
PagePreProcessActionMappingGenerator Generates one action mapping for each UML state with stereotype 'Page' that maps to a transformer class which does preprocessing as a preparatory step before actually forwarding to the physical page.
StrutsConfigGenerator Generates a struts-config-<module>.xml file from both a UML activity model and the previous version of the struts-config-<module>.xml file.
XmiModelBuilder Builds the internal UML model representation from an XMI 1.1 UML 1.3 file.

Exception Summary
ModelCheckerException Is thrown by ModelChecker implementations to report model constraint violations as a list of detailed messages.

Package de.matthias_burbach.flux Description

Is the core package.

Class Diagram