Uses of Interface

Packages that use ActionMappingGenerator
de.matthias_burbach.flux Is the core package.  

Uses of ActionMappingGenerator in de.matthias_burbach.flux

Classes in de.matthias_burbach.flux that implement ActionMappingGenerator
 class AbstractActionMappingGenerator
          Abstract base class for ActionMappingGenerator implementations that provides commonly used functionality.
 class ActionActionMappingGenerator
          Generates one action mapping for each UML state with stereotype 'Action'.
 class FinalStateActionMappingGenerator
          Generates one action mapping for the optional UML final state (stereotype = 'FinalState') to perform finalization code.
 class ModuleActionMappingGenerator
          Generates two action mappings for each UML state with stereotype 'Module'.
 class NonModelledActionMappingGenerator
          Preserves non-modelled action mappings by copying them from the old struts-config.xml to the new struts-config.xml's section 'Non-modelled Action Mappings'.
 class PageActionMappingGenerator
          Generates one action mapping for each UML state with stereotype 'Page' that forwards from the logical page name to the physical (JSP) name.
 class PageEventActionMappingGenerator
          Generates an event dispatcher action mapping for each UML state with stereotype 'Page'.
 class PagePreProcessActionMappingGenerator
          Generates one action mapping for each UML state with stereotype 'Page' that maps to a transformer class which does preprocessing as a preparatory step before actually forwarding to the physical page.

Fields in de.matthias_burbach.flux declared as ActionMappingGenerator
protected  ActionMappingGenerator StrutsConfigGenerator.GeneratorMapping.generator
          A generator plug-in registered for UML states having the stereotype

Methods in de.matthias_burbach.flux that return ActionMappingGenerator
protected  ActionMappingGenerator StrutsConfigGenerator.getGenerator(java.lang.String type)
          Instantiates the ActionMappingGenerator specified by type using the default constructor.

Methods in de.matthias_burbach.flux with parameters of type ActionMappingGenerator
protected  void StrutsConfigGenerator.generateForStereotype(StateMachine stateMachine, org.jdom.Document oldDocument, org.jdom.Element oldActionMappingsElement, org.jdom.Document newDocument, org.jdom.Element newActionMappingsElement, java.lang.String stereotype, ActionMappingGenerator generator)
          Executes the (begin, (generate)*, end) cycle for the generator passed in and all the states having the specified stereotype.

Constructors in de.matthias_burbach.flux with parameters of type ActionMappingGenerator
StrutsConfigGenerator.GeneratorMapping(java.lang.String stereotype, ActionMappingGenerator generator)