Uses of Class

Packages that use Node
de.matthias_burbach.util Contains various utilities for low-level file, string, and XML processing. 

Uses of Node in de.matthias_burbach.util

Fields in de.matthias_burbach.util declared as Node
(package private)  Node Node.pleft
(package private)  Node Node.pright
(package private) static Node Node.panchor
(package private)  Node[] Diff.FileInfo.symbol

Methods in de.matthias_burbach.util that return Node
(package private) static Node Node.matchsymbol(java.lang.String pline)
          matchsymbol Searches tree for a match to the line.
(package private) static Node Node.addSymbol(java.lang.String pline, boolean inoldfile, int linenum)
          addSymbol(String pline) - Saves line into the symbol table.